Council Chambers, City Hall
  • J. Clayton, Mayor
  • G. Berg, Councillor
  • G. Blackmore, Councillor
  • D. Bressey, Councillor
  • W. Bosch, Councillor
  • M. O'Connor, Councillor
  • C. Thiessen, Councillor
  • K. O’Toole, Councillor
  • R. Nicolay, City Manager
  • A. Miller, Deputy City Manager
  • D. Lemieux, Chief Public & Protective Services Officer
  • D. Whiteway, Chief Financial Officer
  • B. Glavin, Chief Operating Officer
  • C. Manuel, Executive Director, Emergency & Enforcement Services
  • A. Downing, Senior Planner
  • Y. Babalola, Planner

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.

  • MOVED byG. Berg

    Council adopt the minutes of the City Council meeting held September 6, 2022, as presented.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)C. Thiessen, and K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council adopt the minutes of the Special City Council meeting held September 28, 2022, as presented.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)C. Thiessen, and K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • MOVED byD. Bressey

    Council adopt the Agenda as presented.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)C. Thiessen, and K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (6 to 0)

Shauna Baird and Omarla Cooke, representatives of St. Joseph Catholic High School, were present to request permission and assistance from the City to paint the crosswalk in front of their school. 

  • MOVED byD. Bressey

    Council adopt the minutes of the Corporate Services Committee meeting held September 13, 2022, as presented.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)

Councillor Bressey provided Council with highlights from this meeting.

  • MOVED byC. Thiessen

    Council adopt the minutes of the Community Services Committee meeting held September 13, 2022, as presented.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • MOVED byC. Thiessen

    Council approve funding allocations as presented in Appendix A.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)

Councillor Thiessen provided Council with highlights from this meeting.

  • MOVED byD. Bressey

    Council adopt the minutes of the Protective and Social Services Committee meeting held September 13, 2022, as presented.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)

Councillor Bressey provided Council with highlights from this meeting.

  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council adopt the minutes of the Infrastructure and Economic Development Committee meeting held September 13, 2022, as presented.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council appoint Olayemi Babalola and Alison Downing as Subdivision Authority Officers to exercise subdivision powers, duties and functions on behalf of the City.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council refer the following enhanced Snow & Ice Control services to the 2023 budget deliberations:

    • increase the funding for contracted residential snow removal by $250,000 to include up to 6 rotations triggered by a minimum of 7.5cm; and
    • increase the funding for transit stops by $75,000 to reflect a service standard for defined Priority 1 (P1) and Priority 2 (P2) transit stops to be cleared within one business day for P1 and two business days for P2 after snowfall ending.
    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • MOVED byD. Bressey

    Council refer the following enhanced Snow & Ice Control services to the 2023 budget deliberations:

    • increase the funding for snow removal on trails and paths by $55,000 to reflect a service standard of 2 days for high-priority routes and 4 days for low-priority routes
    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • MOVED byD. Bressey

    Council direct Administration, for the remainder of 2022, to take all reasonable steps to undertake snow clearing on transit stops with a service standard of 1 business day for Priority 1 and 2 business days for Priority 2, to be funded from Council's Strategic Initiatives Fund.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • Amendment:
    MOVED byG. Blackmore

    Council amend the motion to delete "and 2 business days for Priority 2".

    For: (2)Mayor J. Clayton, and G. Blackmore
    Opposed: (5)D. Bressey, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    DEFEATED (2 to 5)

Councillor O'Connor provided Council with highlights from this meeting.

  • MOVED byC. Thiessen

    Council adopt the minutes of the Community Services Committee meeting held September 27, 2022, as presented.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • MOVED byC. Thiessen

    Council issue a Notice of Intention to designate the Grande Prairie Courthouse located at 9904-101 Avenue, Grande Prairie as a Municipal Historic Resource under Section 26 of the Alberta Historical Resources Act. 

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • MOVED byC. Thiessen


    1. Support their involvement with the Regional Handibus Project; and

    2. Support the County of Grande Prairie's application to the 2022 Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Intermunicipal Collaboration Grant for this project.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)

Councillor Thiessen provided Council with highlights from this meeting.

  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council adopt the minutes of the Infrastructure and Economic Development Committee meeting held September 27, 2022, as presented.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council defer to the 2023 Budget Deliberations to increase to weekly mowing frequency along arterial corridors within the City.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council defer the discussion of contracted spraying in 2023 to the 2023 Budget Deliberations.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Opposed: (1)C. Thiessen
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (6 to 1)
  • MOVED byD. Bressey

    Council direct Administration to report back to the appropriate Standing Committee outlining a potential pilot program for naturalization along arterial roads, including a public engagement program.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Opposed: (1)Mayor J. Clayton
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (6 to 1)

Councillor O'Connor provided Council with highlights from this meeting.

  • MOVED byD. Bressey

    Council adopt the minutes of the Corporate Services Committee meeting held September 27, 2022, as presented.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)

Councillor Bressey provided Council with highlights from this meeting.

  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council adopt the minutes of the Council Committee of the Whole meeting held September 27, 2022, as presented.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)
  • MOVED byD. Bressey

    Council direct Administration to report back to the appropriate Standing Committee with information needed to support this group in their request.

    For: (7)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, G. Blackmore, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (1)K. O’Toole
    CARRIED (7 to 0)



The meeting recessed from 4:33 p.m. to 6:02 p.m.

The Public Hearing was called to order at 6:23 p.m.

A. Downing, Senior Planner, presented Council with amendments to the Municipal Development Plan. The proposed amendments would provide a cost recovery mechanism for benefiting properties within all ASP areas funded by the City. 

There was nobody present to speak regarding this matter.

The Public Hearing closed at 6:29 p.m.

  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council give first reading to Bylaw C-1237S, being an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)

    Bylaw C-1237S was read for the first time.

  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council give second reading to Bylaw C-1237S.

    For: (4)Mayor J. Clayton, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Opposed: (2)D. Bressey, and C. Thiessen
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (4 to 2)

    Bylaw C-1237S was read for the second time.

  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council have third reading of Bylaw C-1237S at this meeting.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council give third reading to Bylaw C-1237S, being an amendment to the Municipal Development Plan.

    For: (5)Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Opposed: (1)D. Bressey
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (5 to 1)

    Bylaw C-1237S was read for the third time and finally passed.

  • MOVED byM. O'Connor

    Council direct Administration to add the proposed fee of $61.48 per hectare to the draft Fees, Rates and Charges Bylaw to be presented to Council during November budget deliberations.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)

The Public Hearing was called to order at 6:40 p.m.

Y. Babalola, Senior Planner, presented Council with amendments to the Land use Bylaw. The proposed amendments will rezone the subject properties from Arterial Commercial District and General Industrial District to Heavy Industrial District. 

Tanner Cantin and Baily Lapp, representatives of Beairsto & Associates, were present to speak in favour of the proposed amendments.

Ivo Bilic, resident, was present to speak in opposition of the proposed amendments.

Greg Moore, representative of an adjacent land owner, was present to speak in opposition of the proposed amendments.

The Public Hearing closed at 7:09 p.m.

  • MOVED byG. Berg

    Council give first reading to Bylaw C-1260-160, being an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw.

    For: (4)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, and G. Berg
    Opposed: (2)W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (4 to 2)

    Bylaw C-1260-160 was read for the first time.

  • MOVED byG. Berg

    Council give second reading to Bylaw C-1260-160.

    For: (2)Mayor J. Clayton, and G. Berg
    Opposed: (4)D. Bressey, C. Thiessen, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    DEFEATED (2 to 4)

The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:14 p.m.

Y. Babalola, Senior Planner, presented Council with amendments to the Land Use Bylaw. The proposed amendments would increase the number of enabled uses in the DC-24 by adding a Child Care Facility, RV Storage, and Agricultural Operation to the existing enabled uses in the district. 

Kara and Chad Endresen, applicants, were present to speak in favour of the proposed amendments.

The Public Hearing closed at 7:25 p.m.

  • MOVED byC. Thiessen

    Council give first reading to Bylaw C-1260-161, being an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)

    Bylaw C-1260-161 was read for the first time.

  • MOVED byC. Thiessen

    Council give second reading to Bylaw C-1260-161, as presented.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)

    Bylaw C-1260-161 was read for the second time.

  • Amendment:
    MOVED byD. Bressey

    Council amend this Bylaw under Section, Uses, to strike "Recreation Vehicle Storage", and under Section to delete "Development of a Recreation Vehicle Storage shall be limited to a maximum number of fifty (50) Recreational Vehicles".

    For: (2)D. Bressey, and G. Berg
    Opposed: (4)Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    DEFEATED (2 to 4)
  • MOVED byC. Thiessen

    Council have third reading of Bylaw C-1260-161 at this meeting.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • MOVED byC. Thiessen

    Council give third reading to Bylaw C-1260-161, being an amendment to the Land Use Bylaw.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)

    Bylaw C-1260-161 was read for the third time and finally passed.

  • MOVED byW. Bosch

    Council receive this presentation for information.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • MOVED byD. Bressey

    Council bring the following motion back to the table:

    "MOVED by Councillor Bressey Council approve amendments to Policy 100 - Council Remuneration and Expense Reimbursement, with the following amendment: Definition of Local Region - delete "the City limits" and insert "City Hall"."


    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • MOVED byMayor J. Clayton

    Council amend the motion to strike "with the following amendment: Definition of Local Region - delete the City limits and insert City Hall" and insert "as presented"; and amend Schedule A, items 6, 7, 10, 11 & 12 to only have one star, which limits the amount of Council members that may attend these items as a mandatory event.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • MOVED byMayor J. Clayton

    Council amend the Policy, under Schedule A, to amend the definition of a single star to delete "all Municipal Leaders Caucus sessions".

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)
  • MOVED byMayor J. Clayton

    Council amend the Policy under Accommodation and Subsistence Rates, item 2, delete "are: a. Breakfast $12.00; b. Lunch $18.00; and c. Dinner $25.00" and insert "for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, are at the current Government of Canada rates".

    For: (4)Mayor J. Clayton, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Opposed: (2)D. Bressey, and C. Thiessen
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (4 to 2)
  • MOVED byD. Bressey

    Vote on main motion as amended.

    For: (6)D. Bressey, Mayor J. Clayton, C. Thiessen, G. Berg, W. Bosch, and M. O'Connor
    Absent (2)K. O’Toole, and G. Blackmore
    CARRIED (6 to 0)

Councillor Thiessen attended a meeting of the Alberta Seniors Housing & Communities Association, where he was elected as a Director for the North Zone. The September 15 Community Advisory Board on Housing and Homelessness contained many updates. There was a meeting of the Intercity Forum on Social Policy with presentations from Canada Housing & Mortgage Corporation and Alberta Seniors & Housing. He attended the Alberta Munis sessions. There was a meeting of the Grande Spirit Foundation that covered a lot of good information. He also attended the opening ceremonies at Bonnett's Energy Centre, where the PBR recognized the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation with some wonderful presentations. 

Councillor Bosch attended a County Road Tour, which was a great event where she learned a lot. The CBC bureau opened at the Grande Prairie Public Library. She attended the Local Immigration Partnership meeting, the Community Futures Board meeting, and the Alberta Munis sessions. Congratulations to Hi-Tech Business Solutions who have been in business for 35 years. On the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, she took part in the second annual 5km Friendship Centre Walk. She also had the opportunity to bring greetings for the Louis Hawkes Arena at Evergreen Park. She attended the Mozart Mixer fundraiser, and the Harvest Dinner at 5 Mile Hall with the newest members of our community. 

Councillor O'Connor attended the Alberta Care Conference in Nisku, which brings together people from all over the province to discuss recycling programs. He attended the virtual Intermunicipal Collaboration Committee meeting, brought greetings to the Jesus is Lord Church, and attended the Grande Prairie Public Library meeting where they reviewed the efficiency report that was recently completed. The Grande Prairie Regional Emergency Partnership meeting was held on September 14; discussion centred on budget and the recent forest fires. The Peace Library System also reviewed the recently completed efficiency report. He attended the Alberta Munis sessions, a virtual Opioid Dependency course, and the Alberta Forestry Products meeting. Kudos to Mayor Clayton for her representation of the City at numerous events. 

Councillor Bressey attended the final orchard tour of the season and noted that staff did an amazing job and was very informative. Thank you to Council for all the good work done at Alberta Munis this year. He attended the Wapiti House fundraiser, and the Budget Consultation Workshop, which had a better turnout than usual.

Councillor Berg attended a meeting of the Grande Prairie Regional Emergency Partnership, along with the Workplace Culture presentation at the Grande Prairie Museum. He spent National Truth and reconciliation day installing a new sculpture at the Blossoming Garden of Hope. The province held a Mental Health and Addiction presentation online. He is currently the Deputy Mayor and has been attending a few ribbon cuttings and proclamations. He brought greetings at the World Religion Conference at Northwestern Polytechnic, and attended the ribbon cutting of Motion, a new store at Prairie Mall with mobility aids. He attended the Alberta Munis sessions and had a great time; kudos to the amazing representation of our City from the Mayor, Council, and Administration. 

Mayor Clayton thanked Council and Administration for all their support. She met with ATCO to discuss the resolution being brought forward regarding distribution fees and noted that industry is supportive. She attended the Intermunicipal Collaboration Committee meeting and the Economic Development Strategic Planning & Advisory Committee meeting. She attended a conference in British Columbia that is similar to Alberta Munis. She is now sitting on the Guiding Coalition Committee with MLA Allard and Reeve Beaupre, which was put together by Alberta Health Services. She had the privilege of dropping the puck at a Grande Prairie Storm game and is excited for this season. She attended the First Responder's Day celebration, the Mini Round Dance at Teresa Sargent Hall, and Neighbourhood Day at the Activity & Reception Centre. She brought greetings and participated in the Terry Fox run. Alberta Munis was a great event with support from Council and Administration. She participated in a public engagement course which was very interesting. There was a small gathering of 50 people who are leading in innovation and investment; Invest GP has had many follow-up conversations already on this matter. She met with Minister McIver, Mayor Potter and Mayor Turnmire regarding the future of the Local Government Fiscal Framework Act. She met with senior RCMP Officers in the Department of Justice along with Minister Shandro. She brought greetings to the Harvest Festival and attended the Budget Consultation session. She attended the Alberta Forestry Products meeting, The Mozart Mixer fundraiser, PBR at Bonnett's Energy Centre, CIBC Run for the Cure, and the Rotary Harvest Dinner. 

The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.